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Ladybugs Do Not Go to Preschool

Ladybugs Do Not Go to Preschool overflows with imagination and humor, making it an excellent choice for young new students.

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Review of ‘Ladybugs Do Not Go to Preschool’

On the first morning of preschool, Ravi comes downstairs wearing ladybug wings and antennae. When he refuses cornflakes for breakfast, his mother tells him that it’s actually a bowl full of “aphids,” leading him to slurp it down. Later, when she suggests that Ravi brush his teeth, he replies, “Ladybugs don’t have teeth . .…

Featuring ‘Ladybugs Do Not Go to Preschool’

3 picture books to take you to the top of the class
As the school buses begin to roll, these offerings will help young readers ease into back-to-school mode, and remind them that a world of stories is waiting to be discovered in each and every classroom.

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